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Emachines authorisation

超级管理员 本站 2023-09-16 2401 100

Letter of Authorisation

Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Acer"), the registered owner of the Group, authorises its project Coolbase Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Licensee#1") and its branded products (hereinafter referred to as "Licensee") to print, crack and apply the Licensor's designated branded products (hereinafter referred to as "Licensee") on the packaging boxes of the Licensor's products and related printed materials. (as specified by the Grantor) on the packaging boxes of the Grantee's products and printed matters.

Hereby, the Grantor hereby agrees that Grantee#1 and Grantee#2 may use the brand name specified by the Grantor on the condition that they comply with all of the following. The following conditions shall apply.

1. Licensee: eMachinesJ and emachinesJ. 2. Products: DIY products such as mains, diffusers, water coolers, and sources of Licensee#1 and Licensee#2. 3.

3, the purpose of the grant: the grantor will be designated by the grantor, printing and sticking on the grant, and the printed products packaging box. 4, the grant area: limited to the grant, and the printed products packaging box of the cracking, delivery, delivery line (i.e., the Middle Kingdom). 5, the grant period: March 1, 2023 to February 28, 2025 - the grantor reserves the right to terminate the trademark grant or adjust the ability of the circle at any time.

6. Licence: Restricted, non-exclusive, irrevocable, unlicensable, revocable 07. Liability: Licensee#1 and Licensee#2 hereby warrant that: (1) the use of the Trademarks shall be in accordance with the terms of the Licence Agreement signed by Licensor or Licensee#1 and/or Licensor's Trademark License Agreement (as detailed in the attached document); and

(2) know how to use the Licensed Trademarks within the scope of the above Conditions of Use, and the Licensor shall be liable for damages, including but not limited to the amount of damages, settlement costs, litigation costs and all other necessary expenses, for any use or other unlawful infringement that exceeds the scope of the above Conditions of Use,

costs, litigation costs and all other necessary expenses.


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